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EC launches public hearing on PSI re-use guidelines

eu-commissionThe European Commission invites you to participate in a public hearing on guidelines on recommended standard licences, datasets and charging for the re-use of public sector information.
On 30.08.2013, the Commission launched a public consultation to seek the views of stakeholders on specific issues to be addressed in 3 sets of guidelines:

  • recommended standard licenses
  • datasets to be released/improved as a matter of priority
  • charging for the reuse of documents.

All citizens and organisations – specifically PSI re-use entrepreneurs, public sector bodies, data re-use experts – are still welcome to contribute to this online survey at ‘Your Voice in Europe’ ending on 22 November 2013.

The next step in the consultation process is a public hearing, the purpose of which is to provide a forum for a direct exchange of opinions by as many stakeholders as possible, including national authorities, public sector content holders, commercial and non-commercial re-users and other parties.

This public hearing will be held on 25 November 2013 from 10:00 to 16:30 at the Euroforum building in 10, rue Stumper, 2557 Luxembourg.

Please see this document for practical info and agenda.

You can also check for more information on the Digital Agenda for Europe website.

Source: /via @myprivate42

