European PSI Scoreboard – Austria rank: 5

The PSI Scoreboard is a tool to measure the status of Open Data and PSI re-use throughout the EU. It does NOT monitor government policies, but aims to assess the overall PSI re-use situation, which includes the open data community’s activities. For now, it is in ‘Public Beta’, and it will be expanded based on your feedback. Take a look at the current results below. The collected general feedback and suggestions for changing indicators is also available for your perusal.

The PSI Scoreboard is a ‘crowdsourced’ initiative. The data is compiled using a combination of internet search and local experts helping us in filling out the scoreboard. Naturally, using a network of experts, there are margins of appreciation in assessing the indicators. Also, circumstances change, and countries and communities get better at both re-use and at faciliting re-use. Precisely because of this, we welcome any feedback on the PSI Scoreboard (see already received feedback). If you feel we can improve the data, please get in touch with us by sending us a message through our contact form.


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via @parycek

